What?! Oh, yeah. 'Derecho' refers to a complex of thunderstorms. :- P But it's an awesome name too. That's why Sina has it.
That's silly. Anyway. Who are you? I'm glad you find it amusing. I'm Besucher, or Besu if you'd like. I really have no preference. I'm currently in the PST zone. I'm a freshman at a well-known four-year university, although by Winter quarter, I will hold second-year status if not third. (Although I will take three years graduating, just too many classes for my major).
So? Yeah. Anyway, I'm rather open and I love answering questions, but I'm terrible at just putting random stuff. Feel free to ask away, whether it's favorite animal or my life story (although I'll cut that short if you want to know it).
Ask away! And hello!
Last Edit: Sept 9, 2014 20:56:44 GMT -5 by Besucher